Are you losing great employees for a totally preventable reason?
Over the past 20 years, DyNexus Recruiting has recruited and placed hundreds of people, mostly Sage and Dynamics ERP and CRM solution professionals. We’ve seen terrific matches lost, to the detriment of everyone, due to an unfortunate and preventable circumstance, and from this we’ve learned another basic truth: Candidates accept offers from employers who make them feel respected and valued. For more on how do this, download our free eBook here. Aside from salary, their feeling that they are respected and cared about by the hiring company and leadership team is the most determinative factor in candidates’ acceptances of job offers. Here are three easy steps to ERP CRM candidate employment offer acceptance:
Step 1: Interview logistics.
Treat candidates’ time and schedule with importance, and try to accommodate them. Make sure that all needed technology (phone, networking, Skype, etc.) is working well, and is properly set up. Be on-time. Send candidate pre-interview information (logins, job description, company website, key LinkedIn profiles, etc.). Make the interview process easy and trouble-free. Show the candidate that you treat his/her interview with importance.
Step 2: Interview manner.
Express gratitude for their interest. Be calm and patient. They’re already nervous. Engage them in conversation, don’t just be a human questionnaire. Give them time for, and encourage, questions and tangents. Express interest in their perspectives; better yet, be interested. Show them that they will be treated as valued, thinking individuals, not a defined job function.
Step 3: Interview follow-up.
Right away, send a follow-up email, again thanking them for their interest, and either with a thoughtful rejection, a congratulatory pre-offer, or a plan for further interviews. Follow-up religiously when you say you will. Ahead of schedule is even better. Answer any calls or questions immediately. No one is impressed with how busy you are. Convey an effective and well-functioning organization.
If it was easy, children would be doing it.