May 2023 Webinar – How Do ERP Partners Recruit Talent?

By Dynexus Group, Inc

There is a BIG PROBLEM in the Mid-Market ERP industry, and we all know it. Every single one of us suffer from it from time to time, and some on a DAILY BASIS. It costs some ERP resellers hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost revenue. It can turn friendly competitors into bitter rivals, and can even bring a company to complete ruin. We’re talking about TALENT. Everybody needs it, yet few (if any?) have cracked the talent code and have been able to hire the people they need, when they need them. 

So, how do ERP partners do it? Some hire green and train up, others poach the best and brightest away from their competition with offers at 20%+ more than they are currently earning. Some employ internal recruiting teams while others pay exorbitant fees to outside recruiting agencies, job boards, resume databases and advertising on social media platforms. Still, others look to the ERP publishers to build out and support partners hiring needs through channel partner support programs. 

Dynexus proudly presents How do ERP Partners Recruit Talent??, a panel discussion webinar featuring three of the leading individuals in the Mid-Market ERP industry, as they share their insights, secrets, ideas and fears related to the search for the consulting, sales & leadership talent they need.

The Moderator: Julian Schrenzel, Owner, President & CEO of DyNexus Recruiting

Julian has worked for DyNexus since October 2008. He has over 20 years experience in Technology, Leadership and IT/ERP Recruiting.

Meet our Panelists:

Chris Carter

Chris Carter | Senior Director, Partner Enablement & Services at Sage

Eddie Solomon | Co-Founder/Co-Owner at Net At Work


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