An Acumatica ERP Hiring Journey on “Route-ERP-66” in the Midst of COVID-19 Isolation

Motivated. Intelligent. Persevering. These are three characteristics which describe every prospect who joins the ARAP Certification2Hire program. Like pioneers who built highway systems to facilitate travel from point A to point B, the ARAP (Acumatica Recruitment Assistance Program) Certification2Hire program is the proverbial “Route-ERP-66” for these powerhouse prospects wishing to launch a career as an Acumatica ERP professional.
Enter Acumatica VAR, Intelligent Technology Solutions, travelling on Route-ERP-66 in the opposite direction.
Hiring poorly can make for a long, costly and arduous process that can take your eyes off the road at a time when steering your business and closing deals is critical to success, particularly when apocalyptic COVID-19 strikes. Jennifer and William Weathersby (Intelligent Technology Solutions co-owners) were looking for an ERP consultant, but not just any consultant. They had already come to understand that even more than they needed someone with Acumatica experience, they needed an exceptional human being. A true team member. A person with a fire in their belly, who’s passion drives them to go the extra 100-miles to “get the job done” and create an exceptional customer experience doing so.
Enter Susan Wishon, a person on a mission to join an elite group of Acumatica certified consultants.
When Susan Wishon first reached out to DyNexus Recruiting, expressing interest in the ARAP program, her interview process with an Acumatica VAR had been stagnating for months. The VAR simply couldn’t justify a +1 to their headcount, and her interview process had been going nowhere, despite her best efforts. Where many people may have thrown in the towel and looked elsewhere, Susan persevered and sought out the ARAP Certification2Hire program, not allowing her dream of becoming an Acumatica ERP functional consultant wither on the vine. The ARAP Certification2Hire team at DyNexus recognized Susan’s human characteristics, soft skills, and professionalism, and accepted her into the elite program. Susan devoted the next several weeks to achieving the Acumatica certifications that would ultimately give her the chance she had been waiting for.
Fast forward 4 weeks… With state welcome signs passing in her rearview mirror as she travelled on Route-ERP-66, Susan had accomplished three milestones: Her Business Implementation Consultant certification, her Inventory and Order Management badge, and her Project Accounting badge. Just two weeks into her ARAP journey, three Acumatica partners expressed interest in Susan’s skillset. The interview process had begun. In stark contrast to the stagnation of previous job seeking efforts, within a short two weeks after receiving her certifications, Susan received an offer from Acumatica VAR, Intelligent Technology Solutions. Susan realized pretty quickly that the role was a perfect fit for her, and today, Susan is a proud Acumatica Implementation consultant with Intelligent Technology Solutions, a strong and growing consulting firm. Her professional dream, realized.
It is important to note that the beauty of ARAP Certification2Hire is the symbiotic benefits delivered to all parties. Susan’s story demonstrates the amazing value provided to the individual prospect. However, none of it is possible without the second side of the Oreo cookie, Intelligent Technology Solutions. Fortunately, as a result of ARAP Certification2Hire, the road travelled by both Susan and Intelligent Technology Solutions was significantly shorter than it may have otherwise been.
The ARAP Certification2Hire now has 10 actively certifying candidates, ready to interview for your Acumatica practice! Get to know them at
Intelligent Technology Solution’s experience with the ARAP Certification2Hire program:
“We were so pleased to work
with Julian at DyNexus Group for employee placement through the ARAP program.
Julian listened to our needs and helped us find exactly the best candidate for
our team. He truly seemed to care about the placement of someone who could make
our company a success. We appreciated his enthusiasm and professionalism.”
~Jennifer Weathersby